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How to build muscle at home without equipment?

Now you can also build your muscle at your home without utilizing any of the tools. In today's world, there is nothing more than attractive in your home. 

To get strengthen your muscles, and then going to the gym is not the first need. We should also make focus on working out because doing the exercise is not limited to the gym.

To get stronger muscles, apart from consuming healthy food, there is a need to work hard every day. 

If you are not able to go to the gym due to any reason, then these are the simple ways that you can fulfill your dream of becoming a heavy bodybuilder at home.
build muscle at home without equipment

Body and muscle Exercise is as important for a person's physical health as it is also for his mental health. Unfortunately, we often forget to make our own good decisions or don't have the time to do it regularly.

Physical fitness is very important for a healthy body. We all know that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. 

COVID has properly made us understand the importance of staying fit and healthy so that our body is easy can fight against body infections and diseases. 

Regular exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle, which can be done in the gym or at home also.

The Gym membership is often very much expensive and also, and a lot of time is also getting spent on going to the gym every day and exercising. 

Having regular discipline is very important to keep the body fit.

This is the main reason why we all need to follow a routine but at the same time, we also keep in mind that it does not have much impact on the pocket also. So let us find out how you can work on your health by taking care of both these things.

Push Up

This is usually a special and best muscle exercise to develop the chest muscles. This muscle exercise also helps in increasing the muscles of the arm, which are called trice and keeps. 

Some people do the push-ups using the bench press which is the easiest way to do this muscle exercise.

This muscle exercise involves lifting the arms and core muscles off the ground and then bringing them back to the initial position. In this muscle exercise, only the weight of your body is getting used to exercise. 

If you also keep the hands close, it is a close-grip push-up, in which the muscles of the hand, especially the triceps, work more. If you keep your arms away, it will affect the chest muscles.

Pull Up

This muscle exercise also does not require any kind of special equipment or the presence of a gym trainer. This exercise is only taken care that this muscle exercise should be done at least twice in a week. 

Pull-ups are also getting considered the foundation of a training exercise that is important for the muscles of the back, neck, and arms.


If you want to develop the muscles in the right proportion then this is the best way to get your strong muscle without any use of equipment. It is said that squatting is the king of all body exercises. 

If you are going to start this exercise at your home then it would be redundant to start without squats. This will get happens to the back and legs. Squatting also exercises your vital organs.

First, you will start doing the free hand squats, and then just start doing them on one leg. This is a wrap-heavy muscle exercise, in which you should complete, the maximum number of the exercises and do it until the body does not get completely exhausted. 

This body exercise will work wonderfully which helps in making the thighs shapely. This will ensure that your lower back is getting strengthened.


We have seen most people doing abdominal crunches but very few people can maintain it for a long time with patience and courage. 

Crunches are considered to be the most effective exercise to strengthen the muscles around the waist. 

Along with this, cardio exercises will also have to be done to reduce the extra fat. Also, crunches are the best exercise for abdominal abs. This can be done every other day.

Jump Box

Box jumps can give you strength in your calf muscles and make them more powerful. When you practice this exercise regularly, and then your muscles are getting trained to respond and contract quickly. 

This not only builds muscle but also allows you to jump and spring in different directions more quickly.


When you use a jump rope for the exercise, your calf is always getting constantly engaged. It will also help in building muscle, it will also provide a good cardiovascular workout and it also helps in making you faster on your feet. 

Do this exercise regularly, and you will see why you don't need weight equipment to tone your calf muscles.

Cardiovascular exercise

Running, jogging, cycling, and swimming are common types of cardiovascular exercise. Apart from this you are keeping you physically fit, it will also protect you from various diseases. The best part of walking and running is that they do not require so much expenditure. 

All you need is good shoes and yourself. Before starting the set of some goals for each day you will start to track your progress.

By doing cardiovascular exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes every day, you can not only lose your body weight but also helps to reduce stress by keeping your blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure under control. 

All of these can also help to improve your endurance limits and it will also save you from the brunt of a heart attack which can be life-threatening otherwise.

Follow the diet plan honestly

Regular exercise and healthy eating habits will always keep your body in perfect shape. You need to take the proper nutritious food to build muscle and lose weight. 

Choose the right and proper diet plan that balances your crabs and nutrition, and at the same time, the diet is not too expensive. There are many diets that you can follow to stay in shape.

Always follow a healthy lifestyle if you want to be looking fit and healthy. This includes regular body exercise and a proper diet. Having regular home workouts will also help you maintain the desired weight and fitness of the body. 

When you are active, you will always feel good and you have free time to work. You can also make the most of all the activities that you enjoy doing, such as playing with the kids, gardening, dancing, or biking also.

Take advantage of workout videos for regular workouts

There are tons of fitness apps and videos available for home workouts. These are the best tutorials that will cover all types of workouts available in the world including bodyweight exercises, cardio, cycling, Tabata, and yoga.

You will make sure that you will get at least 1¼ hours of heavy physical activity in every week. This can include the running, cycling at high speed, or playing basketball that will help to keep the body healthy.

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