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How to Lose Belly Fat

It is normal to have some belly fat. If this fat is excessive, then many diseases may have to be fought. You should first know what your body weight is at present, after that you have to know about the body mass index, in this, you will know about your body fat according to your height and age so that you will be able to know how much of your body weight should be according to your height. 

By having this process, it will be known how much fat is in your body and how much needs to be reduced.

Why we should reduce our body weight

Excess body weight is the cause of many other harmful diseases. By keeping the body weight down, the body will always get remains strong and you will also stay healthy. You can also lose one and a half kilos or more in a week at home through having a healthy diet and regular exercise.

If you burn more calories than the number of calories you are consuming per day for a week, then your body weight can be easily reduced. If you want to lose body weight fast, then for this you should have to eat less and do more exercise.
How to Lose Belly Fat

Major causes of excess belly fat


According to scientific research, some of the fat cells in the body will be developed genetically. If someone's family has been suffering from this problem, then the coming generation may also be prone to this problem.

Poor Gastrointestinal Process

With aging, the digestive system will also start to get weaken. Along with this, the gastrointestinal system will also start getting affected. Belly fat can also increase due to this reason.

Hormone changes

Generally, women have to face hormonal changes. When she will reach the middle of her life the fat can increase faster than her body weight. 

Then during the period of menopause, the level of the estrogen hormone will get decrease and the level of the androgen hormone will get increase during menopause. This is the normal reason why the fat around the waist becomes more.

The habit of sitting and working

In this era of modernity, life has become so easy that a person has almost stopped doing other physical activities. Everyone wants to try to do all his work by sitting down, whether in the office or at home. 

Now instead of taking out time to exercise, many people prefer to watch TV or work on the computer. The level of body fat may get increase as a result.

Less protein and consume more carbs

What we do not eat during the day. Sometimes under work pressure or stress, people eat more than necessary and do not pay the attention to the nutrients. Due to the taste in the body, protein get becomes less, and carbs and fat become more increases. 

Then we are keeping working while sitting in one place. In this way, the body fat will get start increasing around the waist and abdomen. For this reason, high protein and low carbohydrate diets are considered beneficial in reducing body weight.

Some people get so much fat around their stomach and waist that they are unable to wear their favorite clothes even if they want. 

Many times, due to fat, while sitting in front of others, a feeling of inferiority starts coming into the mind, because the fat on their stomach is visible from the clothes. 

Such people are always immersed in the thought of how to reduce belly fat. In this case, it is necessary to do regular exercise.

What kind of diet plan should be followed to reduce belly?

Reduce Sugar

Sugar contains fructose which increases fat around the abdomen. Cold drinks, artificially flavored juices, and sweet beverages increase the risk of obesity by 60%.

Reduce the number of carbohydrates in the diet

Items like white sugar, white bread, pasta, and Maida increase fat. Eating less of them helps a lot in reducing belly fat. Eat more green vegetables.

Increase the amount of protein in the diet

Foods like soybeans, tofu, and nuts contain protein. Eating them does not cause hunger quickly and calorie intake is low. Fat does not accumulate around the abdomen.

Eat the fiber-rich foods

Foods like legumes, whole grains, peas, cabbage, and kidney beans are high in fiber. Digestion is also fine with them and fat does not accumulate in the stomach.

Increase your everyday activities

For these seven days, you should gear up to work hard. You need to work hard on the total weight loss workout program. So you have to intensify your daily physical activities for seven days i.e. increase the work.

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